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Monday, 5 July 2010

Think Inside The Box; The Theory Of Dialectics

Consider this -

You want to ask a girl out. You're afraid you'll get rejected - you pluck up the courage to chat to her. She agrees to meet. You're elated inside and prepare for your date in 2 days time.

You meet your date for lunch. You hope you don't make a fool of yourself, with the wish that you've made a good impression of yourself on her. You both have a good time; arrange to meet again and have a goodbye kiss.

You're at the park having a picnic with your girlfriend for your 3rd year together. Anxiously hoping to hear the desired answer, you bend down on one knee and propose... She says "Yes", gives you a peck on the cheek and a hug; you're breathing the biggest sigh of relief of your life.

You're about to plan the rest of you're days with your life partner, congratulations! ----- ??? Good luck.

You've just read three instances of dialectics. In essence dialectics is the process of reaching an elevated conclusion resulting from conflicting former arguments. One argument, the thesis is opposed or contradicted by another argument, the antithesis; the overcoming of (or compromising of sorts between the two) which brings about the synthesis - a new plateau to progress upon. The theory of Dialectics had been around since the Ancient Greek era with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle's teachings but been given a prominent renaissance in the 19th Century with German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) and his take on the theory; the Hegelian dialectic.

Hegel believed that humans are in a progressively evolutionary process - that we are in a state (thesis) that is with fault or opposing factors (antithesis); and that this fault has to be overcome in order for a new and "better" state to be achieved (synthesis) - albeit now with a new corresponding fault to now conquer. This process is repeated over and over in what Hegel calls The Dialectical Process of Spirit until "the absolute idea" is attained; a state that is perfect, it will prevail over any attempt to destroy or modify it. In short, Hegel's theory of dialectics views the development of mankind manifest into a god-like stature.

Want to lose a few pounds to look trim for the summer? You go to the gym and sweat your ass off to get that leaner figure.

Want to score the winning goal in the final that gets your football team the Regionals Cup? You make that all-important run and sidefoot the ball past the goalie and into the net.

Want to get that sparkling new Audi R8 convertible? You ease off from indulging in the the minor luxuries and save up until you can make that lump sum deposit at the dealership.

Where in the instances of the three above can viewed as dialectic in a somewhat pure form, prominent people in world history seek to use the process to generate and manipulate conflicting arguments to forge a predetermined outcome that would lead to the destruction and downfall of human life as a whole rather than the development of it.

The Hegelian dialectic was a huge influence upon 19th Century German philosophers Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Fredrich Engels' (1820-1895) (pictured left and right respectively) own theory of socio-economic evolution, known as dialectic materialism. This philosophy exchanges Hegel's notion of spiritual growth for that of a more physical nature. Through the breakdown of the social class system, surrendering all wealth for the state to then redistribute equally back to the people, in conjunction with only producing what is needed to sustain the community (i.e. communism) is the endgoal and perfect synthesis of social cohesion and peace. However did Marx and Engels really believe in the sustainability of communism as a long-term solution for us all living together happily ever after; or was something more sinister lying underneath their plans?

Communism has to date never truly worked as the sheer magnitude of power and control entrusted to the few that govern over and for the many have always thoroughly abused their position. By solely looking after their own interests and not those of the people but instead forcing standards and ways of living upon them does one realise that they're not living in a communist state; but a fascist one. A fascist state doesn't have one class where everyone is seen as and treated the same, but on the contrary shows the widest class divide imaginable - on one end there's the ruling elite that are drunk off their total domination over the other end, the masses, who do as they're told or they "disappear".

From politics and religion to education and medicine, dialectics has steadily infiltrated how we all live. The most critical use of dialectics today has been ongoing for Centuries to say the very least, and is explained excellently in What Is The Hegelian Dialect? by Niki F. Raapana and Nordica M. Friedrich. This particular process has the synthesis in which the world population is living under a single global government - The New World Order:

American's Individual Freedom (1775- ); power inherent in the people (true)

The U.S. Constitution, The U.S. Bill of Rights, and 50 individual U.S. State Constitutions

in constant conflict/resolution with

Marx's Theory of World Communism (1847- ) power inherent in the state (false)
The ideology of Engels and Marx, enforced by European powers, international banks, the Mossad, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc

naturally balances/evolves into

The Communitarian Third Way (2002- ) power inherent in the global community (false)
Jacobin Civil Society: legally authorized by United Nations' Local Agenda 21 players and their Earth Charter-- represented by the Communitarian Network, the International Socialist Party, British Fabians & The New Democratic Leadership Council, British Labour, the neo-cons, the International Court of Justice, NATO, Jewish and Christian Zionists, feminists, the Christian Right, Chinese communists, the Russian KGB, the Mossad, the CIA, M-15, the European Union, the World Bank, The Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Royal Society, Rhodes Scholars, the G-8, the WTO, AID, IMF, Community Policing, cultural anthropologists, Rural and Neighborhood Planning, thousands of non-governmental organizations, conservationists, Gaia worshipers, think-tanks, the Radical Middle, the terrorist environmental movement, the violent peace movement, 33rd degree freemasons, progressives, change agents and community "builders," et. al.

By constantly putting forth theses and antitheses to us the people; the New World Order has already predetermined the synthetic "solution" that they're currently proposing to us to engage in "for our own good" - yet knowing full well that its far from it. The NWO's endgoal is a perverted deformity of communism; its a fascist, tyrannical dictatorship (as stated earlier). The elite will be the fake-god rulers of the state possessing practically all the planet's material wealth, whilst giving just enough of the slithers of scraps to the subordinate slave masses to survive and serve their masters. This is their vision of the "absolute idea", its hardly the perfect synthesis for us the people to be living in, is it?

We need to realise that we don't have to live in the "theses" that the NWO's socio-economic boffins have programmed for us to interact within. We can live outside the confined realities they have created for us. Read between the lies, and don't believe the hype.

Notable sources include:
  • What Is The Hegelian Dialectic? by Niki F. Raapana and Nordica M. Friedrich (
  • Hegelian Dialectic: The Devil's Winning Tool - (
  • Marxist Philosophy and Dialectical Materialism - (
  • The Hegelian Dialectic - (

1 comment:

  1. wow-This is the best article i have read on this sight-
    Ive definatly learned something new
    .................amazing man....................
