What is aspartame?

How did aspartame get into the food industry?

Ajinomoto is currently the largest manufacturer of aspartame, whom bought its APM business from GMO-food (Genetically MOdified food) giants Monsanto in 2000 for $67M. Aspartame has various brand names, such as NutraSweet, Equal and Candarel. Ajinomoto is currently rolling out products under the newly added brand of AminoSweet.
Pro's/Con's of aspartame
- Aspartame has virtually no calories. This aspect really appeals to the health-conscious that are interested in having a very nutritious eating lifestyle.
- Approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar, aspartame appears to a be an abundantly tasty substitute to sugar.
- Great substitute for those suffering from diabetes - they can enjoy foods with a sweet taste without having to worry about affecting sugar level intake [on the surface, that is - see Con #1].
- Where sugar is stored as fat deposits for energy reserves and can be burned through movement (i.e. exercise) - aspartame is stored within the tissues of the body and remains in place for a much longer time. Aspartame simultaneously slows down the sugar/fat burning process, thus often causing a build up of fat in the body.
- Whilst in the body, the methyl alcohol in aspartame turns into formaldehyde - which is well-known for its embalming (preserving) of dead bodies. Known for being carcinogenic (a product that can greatly increase the chance of getting cancer), formaldehyde is also linked to other nervous-system diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma.
- High levels of phenylalanine and aspartic acid within aspartame can seriously lower dopamine production levels, an important substance in brain function. The neurocerebral disease Parkinson's is associated with the breakdown of a fully working brain that's lacking in essential substances like dopamine.
So; what food products contain aspartame?

Featuring in excess of 6,000 food products, aspartame can be found in an ever-increasing spectrum of items. Initially heavily promoted and connoted with all that is "sugar-free", its now being slowly infiltrated into regular sugar-included foodstuffs too. One can find aspartame in soft drinks and sodas, juices, instant coffees, teas, frozen desserts, yoghurts, cereals, chewing gum and breath mints to name just a few various examples. Some countries even offer it as a table condiment in cafés and restaurants.
Here's a small insight into the kinds of items that have aspartame in them - you migh recognise some of them...

(for an extensive list of products that have aspartame in them; please check out the Supersweet blog, FoodEssentials and Boycott Aspartame .)
Next time you're doing your grocery shopping, have a look to see if "aspartame" or “Phenylketonurics: Contains a source of Phenylalanine” is labelled on some of your favourite foods and drinks. Having now being informed about what this sugar-substitute can do to your body, is having that sweet taste really worth the risk?
Thank you.Some years ago I quit eating any sugar or artificially sweetened products..After about a week I took a bite of wheat bread & it tasted like cake.An apple tasted like candy..I think we numb our taste buds with all the sugar & artificial sweeteners....Try this experiment...