"The following signs are ascribed to ‘Alī in the forthcoming of Dajjal:
How much of it can you relate to your life in its current state?
For me..nearly all of the list...take time to really reflect upon these signs...it may just be a coincidence...or it maybe what you have been looking for...to free your mind...
1 People will stop offering prayers
2 Dishonesty will be the way of life
3 Falsehood will become a virtue
4 People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains
5 Usuary and bribery will become legitimate
6 Imbeciles would rule over the wise
7 Blood of innocents would be shed
8 Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
9 The rulers will be corrupt
10 The scholars will be hypocrites
11 Adultery will be rampant
12 Women will rub shoulders with men in doing business
13 Women will dress like men, and men will dress like women
14 The liars and treacherous will be respected
15 There will be acute famine at the time"
These are just a few of many more to come...
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