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Monday 20 February 2012

Sign Language (Ouroboros) - PureVia Logo

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PureVia is the latest in a long line of sweeteners to hit the UK food market. The self proclaimed "low calorie alternative to sugar" is about 200-times more sweeter than table sugar and a "great sugar substitute for diabetics". Unlike the sweetener aspartame, part of the PureVia product is produced naturally. Made up of several sweeteners, PureVia contains rebiana (or Reb A); which comes from the stevia plant (pictured, left). PureVia developed by PepsiCo and Merisant, and is currently being heavily advertised in the UK, apparently coincidentally alongside that of its "rival" of sorts TruVia (developed by Coca-Cola and Cargill) - just to give your tongue's taste buds some sweet left-right paradigm nonsensical bickery:
PureVia TV Ad

Truvia® Scrumptious Ad

As Nutrition Wonderland's article explains, not much knowledge regarding the testing of taking the PureVia product has been made aware to the public, and yet it was approved by the US' FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) in 2001. There is also a slight controversial stigma attached to the sweeteners found within the stevia plant, in that one test found that it directly changed the DNA structure... but this test was done on rats. Such lack of info regarding the nature of PureVia gives it a sense of mystery, a "natural" no-calorie product with no-sugar sugar-like taste [yum!!]; but can have adverse effects on your body... such is the possible duality of the product.

What struck AYTD is the PureVia logo; which upon first glance looks like a complete circle with a leaf facing anti-clockwise at about the 1-o'clock position. The leaf itself however curls up inside from the darker green stem from which it overlaps at its flower. It bears a strong resemblance to the visual sign of Ouroboros. Most commonly known from deriving from Egyptian mythology but can be also traced back to the pasts of the Aztecs, Hindus, Chinese and Native Americans / Indians, Ouroboros ("the tail-devourer") is a serpent dragon that eats its own tail to keep itself alive. It represents the cyclical nature of things, eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. As seen in the pic to the left, duality is shown as the dragon is both red and yellow, this can indicate that opposites can work with each other as well as be in conflict. Other sources state the ouroboros visual to mean as a symbol of infinity; and in many cases Ouroboros takes a figure-of-8-like form:

Nothing but God is infinite. We live, and then we die, and then we are reborn to live forevermore - God doesn't live or die; He is infinite. Please don't let the devil have you believe that you are a yourself a God, or are God-like; He is comparable to no-one or nothing. He is the creator of all things; from Him everything comes from, and to Him everything shall return. All thanks go to Allah; the One God.

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