People have slowly been deskilled in recent years. Mechanics no longer FIX a problem so much as they REPLACE the component. Body and fender men no longer beat panels so much as they replace plastic moldings. I am in a trade myself and my trade has been deskilled in similar ways. I have talked with other tradesmen and this is happening in all trades.
Of course technological progress will bring about change but deskilling goes far beyond this. For example many car parts now come as a complete totally enclosed unit, if a small part breaks down the whole unit must be replaced. Less skill is required to loosening a few screws and install a new unit than to repair the component. Yet it would be cheaper and less wasteful to fix the unit. This deskilling is intended to make the new society wholly dependent on the system. People will be unable to maintain private transport and will become dependent upon public infrastructure and the STATE. This is why small farming has been replaced with large scale operations. In Australia for instance, the farming industry has been all but destroyed. Most farmers are deep in debt because of rising interest rates (and all fiat money) and loss of markets due to the government programs of economic rationalism opening the doors to cheaper imported produce.
Many people have been lured into dependence on the state through welfare programs such as the single mother pensions. Such easily obtained benefits encourage people to rely upon government support. The more one is dependent upon the State the more one is bound to State rules. I am not against helping those who need support, I am trying to explain the principle involved. The welfare system is a plank towards socialism.
"A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights that God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins!" Benjamin Franklin
All this is designed to destroy the existing world order from within to bring about a New World Order (a new way of doing things). The present order is based upon Christian principles. This foundation proved very successful. Contrast those nations built upon Christian foundation with nations that were established on a pagan or Islamic foundation. The Christian nations have had freedom, liberty and opportunity for all citizens, whether Christian or not. In these nations, the people have sovereign inalienable God-given rights, and government is responsible for protecting those rights. The rights of personal freedom, individual liberty and private property are granted by an authority higher than man, thus this authority cannot be overruled by men. This is the foundation upon which the United States was built. These are principles the Establishment has attempted to quash. At the other end of the spectrum we see the United Nations Charter and related documents wherein individual rights are a privilege granted by government. A big difference!!! If our individual rights are a privilege granted by the State, these individual rights can be taken away! Don't fall for the lie that they will not be. Every governing system that denies unalienable rights come from our Creator has been a system of slavery of the masses. The blood runs!
This Christian foundation has been intentionally eroded through mass manipulation and mind control techniques. Members of various secret societies in key positions in society have played a major role in this breakdown, gradually changing and enacting legislation, employing the media, religion and education, to move the ancient landmarks, and bring us closer to one world government. The way people view the world nowadays has been altered. They created the term 'generation gap.' Yet the generation gap is a lie and is not real. Human needs and nature remain remarkable constant, only technology changes.
You may be wondering why anyone would want to do this to society. You must understand what these people actually believe. It is all about religion and it matters little whether you believe their religion or not, they believe in it, so it is going to affect you!
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