In an ever fast-paced place that is present day planet Earth, it can be very easy to lose sight on one's faith and remain firm in one's Islamic beliefs. Thankfully, the backbone of guidance for mankind, The Qur'an, is always within reach. It's absorption into humanity has adapted to the changing of lifestyles throughout Centuries, no more so than in recent times. It can now be read on computers and laptops, and be copied, shared and distributed in many ways such as via storage disks or virtually via the internet. Meanwhile, in the advent of sound recording, recitation of the Word is no longer restricted to mosques and other religious locations, but can now be enjoyed in the household, and even whilst on the move whilst listening on personal audio players.

Another avenue where The Qur'an has really latched onto new technologies is through its appearance on the mobile phone. Its emergence has had one of the most dramatic impacts on our everyday lives.
2013 commemorates the device's 40th birthday, and with
around 1.75 billion units sold worldwide last year alone, many of us would feel very lost without this handy gadget. From communicating with family and friends on various social media outlets to finding out the latest international news to indulging in relatively useless consumerism, the pocket-sized multifunctional tool allows us to do a whole lot of "stuff" - sometimes we even make telephone calls on them too.
We can now reduce our handheld procrastination levels by reading and listening to The Qur'an on our mobiles. The more advanced models, the smartphones are capable of displaying the script in all sorts of languages and differing transliterations. Below are just a handful of the growing number of Islamic-related applications that cater for the major mobile operating systems.
Featured app: Quran Explorer
Other recommended apps include:
- iQuran
- QuranWorks
- Islamic Calendar
- iPray
- ezQuran
Featured app: iQuran Lite
Other recommended apps include:
- MP3 Quran
- myQuran - Understand the Quran
- Mushaf - Quran Kareem
- Muslim Pro: Azan, Quran, Qibla
- Quran Streamer
Featured app: Pocket Quran
Other recommended apps include:
- Al Qur'an
- Quran Tanslations
- Touch Quran
- My AlQuran
- Quran 360
Featured app: Quran (by 7Langit)
Other recommended apps include:
- Quran Free
- Quran - Lite
- IslamRadio
- Islamic Quotes
- SalatGuide Pro
Many thanks to all that contributed to spreading God's good Word by making The Qur'an so readily accessible on mobile phones for believers across the world to use. Unchanged since its initial revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it remains perfectly intact to this day and will do so until the end of time as we know it - and the arrival of the Day of Judgement. Being able to read and recite it via 21st Century technology is indeed a wonder to marvel at. Once again, many thanks.